Home THE ART AND SCIENCE Primal Health Coach Level 2 Certification: Here’s What You’re Missing

Primal Health Coach Level 2 Certification: Here’s What You’re Missing

by Smartdudemuscle

2020 will go down in history as one of the most unforgettable years of our lives, and it was made even more memorable for us here at PHCI, thanks to the launch of our Primal Health Coach Level 2 (L2) Certification course.

What can you expect from the Level 2 course, and how does it build on the Primal Health Coach Certification course?

Read on for a list of the top 8 things that make the L2 experience unique, including:

  • An Instructor-Led Program
  • Meeting Your Classmates
  • Interactivity
  • Behavior Change Psychology
  • Coaching Confidence and Humility
  • Accountability
  • The NBHWC Industry Standard
  • Newfound Aspirations

And hopefully, by the end, you’ll know if it belongs on your must-do list for 2021.

What Sets Level 2 Apart?

1. Instructor-Led Program

Instructors are becoming a scarce feature in continuing education today, and it’s especially rare in the virtual pool of health coach certification courses…but not this time.

With a pro-instructor to guide you through the curriculum, inspire you, and boost accountability, you’ll experience a world of a difference in the way you learn. The most exceptional instructors are truly passionate about what they do, and that’s exactly what we’ve scored in our L2 certification course.

Erin Power, an expert veteran health coach, puts an incredible amount of dedication into her position as a PHCI instructor. Erin not only helped write the L2 curriculum, but she leads the twice weekly live classes and webinars. She cares about each coach as an individual, strikes up engaging group discussions, and provides a non-judgmental, valuable perspective on how to strive for coaching excellence.

Having Erin as our instructor is, hands-down, one of the very best things about the Level 2 Certification experience.

2. Meet Your Classmates

Getting a virtual degree or certification can be an isolating experience, that unlike a traditional classroom, typically lacks camaraderie, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for engagement. With many strategic elements at play here, PHCI managed to exceed the virtual classroom standard and create a rich, supportive environment for learning, aspiration, and social connections.

As students learn in module 1 of our L2 curriculum, seeking supportive relationships is a critical element in one’s journey of personal growth and lasting change (it’s one of the 10 processes of change according to the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change by Prochaska & Velicer, 1977).

When we are surrounded by supportive people, we can reasonably expect more positive outcomes, and we experience increased self-efficacy which helps us stay on course and apply the new information in our coaching practice.

The benefits compound thanks to the direct influence we have on each other in a shared network and environment, and with emotional support being a major factor. As an L2 student in the first cohort, I noticed that my classmates encouraged one another—whether we needed to vent about a frustrating challenge in our coaching business or gain clarity on a module we fell behind on, peer support delivered…without judgment. This helps foster continued motivation and prioritization which is needed to pull through the final stretch and achieve that coveted PHCI Level 2 credential. 

3. It’s Interactive

If you asked any of my L2 peers what their favorite thing about the course was, I bet a majority would answer, “The classroom conversations with other coaches, and with Erin, were my favorite part.” During every live class, twice a week, we engaged in dynamic dialogues between peers, open discussions with our instructor, and Q&A to review our weekly topic.

Over the first few weeks, I learned that our group was made up of an incredible mix of backgrounds and experiences. Some people were simultaneously working towards their initial Primal Health Coach certification, and many were certified but not actively coaching; we had some doctors, some therapists, and a vast mix of experienced health coaches with businesses all over the map. Can you imagine the versatility in perspectives and expertise? Everyone benefited from these valuable connections.

4. Behavior Change Psychology

One of my most favorite things about L2 is the focus on psychology theories and behavior change principles that provide structural support to all that we do in one-on-one health coaching. The following are a few example theories we learned about in the curriculum:

  1. Transtheoretical Model (TTM): a framework for understanding intentional behavior change, including the 10 Processes of Change to explain the actions and systems people use through the TTM stages.
  2. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: a psychotherapy approach designed to encourage one to accept the present, connect to their values, and act to improve their quality of life.
  3. Motivational Interviewing: a coaching or counseling style designed to elicit a person’s internal motivation for change.
  4. Self-Determination Theory: a broad-scope psychology theory for goal-driven behavior and the importance of autonomy in one’s journey to thrive.

5. Coaching Confidence and Humility

It’s incredible that this course managed to boost our confidence as health coaches while also “putting us in our place,” so to speak, because it helped us realize how much we don’t know—yet, and how much there is left to master.

The humbling aspect of this experience began to germinate in module 1, when we learned about the stages of behavior change and the complexities of goal setting.

By the time we discussed module 2.2, even coaches with a thriving business began to wonder, “Have I been doing things wrong the whole time?”—because it was now made clear how to do things right. Erin, the instructor, settled our insecurities by sharing her own early moments of self-speculation, and she sent us off with her favorite bit of advice: practice, practice, practice.

Between the peer-to-peer coaching role plays, our official submission of a recorded coaching session, and the ensuing evaluation we received, our confidence began to build once again—and our curious brains were left even hungrier for more.

6. Accountability

I’m sure you’re well aware of how important accountability is when it comes to following through on expectations and staying on track. I personally do better with external accountability, so I found it especially helpful to have a structured program delivered in this style. We start and end on a certain date, we have classmates and an instructor, we have tests each week, there’s class twice a week, we have deadlines, there are projects to submit, and a Facebook group prompting us with exercises, discussion topics, and reminders. That’s awesome!

7. The Industry Standard

The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) is largely recognized as the industry authority for health coach board certification, and our L2 course prepares and qualifies students to take the official board exam.

Because L2’s curriculum was designed to meet the requirements set forth by NBHWC, the students are able to get a deeper understanding of the official guidelines in the health coaching industry, and how this certification fits into a future, standardized model. We even spent a few weeks learning about the conventional health model, from the vantage point of organizations like the Center for Disease Control and the National Institute of Health, in terms of supporting clients with common chronic illnesses as an essential skill set for practicing health coaches. 

8. Newfound Aspirations

The thought of becoming a board-certified health coach never crossed my mind until L2 came along. I believe that many of my peers were surprised to feel the same way–suddenly inspired to strive for a national certification and dream bigger than we ever had before. There’s something about a national credential, an industry standard, that feels so appealing and official.

I have a lot of studying to do, but I’m looking forward to sitting for the exam in 2021. Thank you Erin Power and PHCI for fostering this newfound aspiration in me and my fellow grads.

As you can see, Level 2 is quite exceptional in a myriad of ways. Will you be in our next cohort of students? Head over to our PHCI L2 information page and get answers to your burning questions today.

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