Home Lifestyle Monday Musings

Monday Musings

by Smartdudemuscle

1. I have never been more proud to be from Boston (well, technically I was born in Newton, MA… moved to PA, and now live in another Boston suburb).

Last week was a roller coaster of emotions: devastation, outrage, fear, confusion, anticipation, hopefulness, satisfaction, comfort, and pride.

To the incredibly courageous and diligent members of the Boston Police Department, FBI, SWAT team, bomb squad, and all others who spent countless hours hunting down – and finally capturing – the suspects (whose names do not deserve to be mentioned) of the Boston Marathon Bombing: THANK YOU a million times over. Your perseverance ensured our safety and proved to the entire world that we are BOSTON STRONG. If I could cook you all a huge meal to show my appreciation, respect, and love I would!

2. Watching coverage of the lives lost at the marathon finish line hit me especially hard now that I am a mom. What a scary and potentially dangerous world I have brought my dear daughter into.

I feel grateful that Lily is not yet old enough to understand what happened, but as a responsible parent I will one day have to do my best to explain to her that unfortunately this world is not always kind or fair; nor does it always make sense.

I will also point out to her – however – that the overwhelming love, support, and spirit exhibited by the first responders, EMTs, doctors, and all other residents of this incredible city overshadowed the evil unleashed by those people who so selfishly took the lives of 29 year old Krystle Campbell, 23 year old Lu Lingzi, and 8 year old Martin Richard and wounded over 170 others.

What we need to remember are not the names or faces of the suspects, but those of the innocent people whose lives were so prematurely lost. We will remember them always, and memorialize their short lives not only on every future Marathon Monday, but also every time we think about the spirit of our great city of Boston.

3. I do have a few new recipes in the works, but wanted to devote this Monday Musings post to my thoughts on the atrocities of last week. If you’re still reading this post, I ask that you please take a moment of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives, appreciation for those who provided aid, and support of Boston… a city full of heart that I am proud to call home.

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