Home Lifestyle Is Losing 10 Pounds in a Month Healthy?

Is Losing 10 Pounds in a Month Healthy?

by Smartdudemuscle

You’ve been meaning to lose that stubborn 10 pounds for a while now. Maybe you’ve been busy with work. Or maybe you’ve just been procrastinating.

No matter the reason, the holidays are almost here, and somehow you only have a month to get that fit, summer body! You might be thinking of cutting off all the junk food cold turkey. And possibly, hitting the gym more than your usual twice a month.

But you might be thinking, is losing 10 pounds in a month healthy? After all, all nutritionists warn you how drastic weight loss can affect your metabolism. So, we’ve decided to do some extensive research and summarize it all for you!

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Is Losing 10 Pounds a Month Healthy?

Is Losing 10 Pounds a Month Healthy

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that an average person should lose about 1-2 pounds a week. On average, it should not exceed more than 4 to 8 pounds per month.

So, an extra 2 pounds seem manageable and nothing extreme, right? That’s right! Losing 10 pounds in a month should not be a problem if you’re doing it healthily. That entails, following a balanced nutritious diet, getting some steps and movements in, and of course, getting enough sleep!

What Happens to Your Body When You Lose 10 Pounds a Month?

lose 10 pounds in a month

A 10-pound loss may not seem like a massive change to some people, but it can alter many things within your body. Most of us don’t understand the biology of weight loss. However, it is good to realize at least what happens to our bodies due to weight loss.

Fat Cells Get Burned:

You need energy to perform all your fundamental activities – think, breath, move, and process. And all the energy is sourced from your fat cells.

When you eat, the calories that your body does not use up right away are stored within the fat cells. This extra storage is for emergencies, for your fat cells to use for some other time.

That is, if your body doesn’t receive any food, it will ask the fat cells to release those energy and help you survive.

When that lack of food never happens, and when you keep on surpassing your calorie needs, increasingly more fat is put away in your fat cells. This is when you start to become bigger and bigger. Therefore, your jeans appear to get more modest and more modest. But when you begin to lose weight, the opposite happens.

However, this doesn’t occur right away. This was found in an exploration survey distributed in the ​Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics​ in March 2014. It claims that during the beginning phase of weight reduction, the body is fundamentally consuming starches and protein and a lot of water.

This phase lasts for a few days to at least a week. That is until the body begins consuming fat for energy. However, you can anticipate that your fat cells should begin shaving away by the end of the month. That is why it usually takes around 4 weeks to see minor changes in your body.

Blood Pressure Get in Control:

Besides thinking about how that ten-pound reduction feels and looks, you must be very careful about your heart and blood pressure.

Over the long run, high blood pressure can influence the capacity of veins to convey new, oxygenated blood to the heart. This builds the risk of coronary episodes, stroke, and coronary illness.

Fortunately, as you lose weight, this risk diminishes. Experts claim that losing as little as 2 pounds can cause a one-point drop in blood pressure.

That is, losing 4 to 8 pounds can cause significant changes to your blood pressure. This is critical for regulating coronary illness and sicknesses. So, if your doctor’s been too worried about your blood pressure, this 10-pound loss would help them sigh in relief.

Positive Impact on Hormone Levels:

Hormones tend to transfer chemicals messages through your bloodstream and tissues. That, in return, affects metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, and sexual functions.

Having excess fat will negatively impact all these attributes of your body. Due to the extra fat, you will have slow digestion, slow growth, and reduced sex appeal.

For women, losing those 10 pounds can elevate both their mental and physical health. It would positively affect their mood, provide them with more energy as their hormones rebalance.

That means, for some ladies having problems with their menstruation, they could go back to having regular periods right away. It can also reduce any imposing risks of developing breast cancers.

“Estrogenically dynamic fat is connected with bosom malignant growth. On the off chance that the fat a lady lost was fat that created estrogen, hormonal levels will diminish when that fat is lost.”

“Therefore, weight reduction is prescribed to diminish the gamble of bosom disease,” clarifies Denise Pickett-Bernard, Ph.D., RDN, LDN, a confirmed professional with the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Helps You Control Your Hunger:

When we’re talking about hormones, we must talk about these two important ones: ghrelin and leptin. During weight gain, levels of the craving animating chemical ghrelin increase. On the other hand, levels of hunger smothering leptin decline.

These hormonal changes can make it hard to support your weight reduction. When you start losing weight healthily, you will find that you are not hungry 24/7 anymore.

By the end of the month or 4 weeks, you’ll find that you’re better at portion controls. And the best part, you won’t be miserable after your meals. Avoid starving yourself as it can only cause your body to react negatively.

Muscle Build-Up:

Most weight loss programs are accompanied by physical activities: walking, running, cardio, strength lifting, etc.

It doesn’t matter if you’re only a month into your fitness training or have been doing it for a while. A 10-pound loss a month gives your body enough time to get accustomed to any of the new changes you’ve made.

And that means, for any further weight loss, you would need to kick up your training by a notch.

The uplifting news is you’re getting fitter. Although, the awful information is that you’ll need to continuously advance the force, length, and recurrence of your exercises to keep on accomplishing results.

Improvement in Sleep:

After this transformation, not only will you be feeling better throughout the day, but you will also be sleeping better.

Being overweight can cause sleeping problems. Your body will not act naturally, and ultimately you will understand it. Instead of being frustrated about being overweight, you should focus on extra fat.

Shedding 10 pounds can work on your rest alongside your gamble factors for stoutness. A recent study showed that losing 15 pounds and 15 percent of their belly fat can improve overall sleep score by approximately 20 percent. Based on those findings, losing even 10 pounds is likely to help you sleep a lot more soundly.

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How to Lose Ten Pounds a Month Securely?

lose 10 pounds in a month workout plan

Here we have detailed the entire process for you.

Set Your Goal:

Given you have the weight to lose and you are healthy, 10 pounds in a month is a challenging yet sensible sum to lose.

Laying out a difficult objective enjoys a few benefits.

A specific weight reduction expects you to remain severe with your eating regimen and exercise schedule. This functions as a positive input circle. The steadier you are, the more weight you lose.

You will need to be prepared to face upcoming challenges and adjust accordingly. There will be moments when you would want to give up. So, you can try to make mood boards or have your goals always displayed in prominent places.

Follow Balanced Diets:

Low Carb, High-Fat Diet:

The principal strategy that prompts the most effective fat loss is a very much figured out intense carb/high-fat eating routine. Your carb source comes predominantly from non-boring vegetables.

On the other hand, your fats are solid decisions from both plant and creature sources. Like top-notch meats, fish, eggs, full-fat dairy food sources, nuts, seeds, and avocados.

This diet gives your body significant micronutrients. The right blend of macronutrients keeps your body in a fat-consuming state. Assuming you might want to find out about how those function, you can research more on low-carb abstaining from excessive food intake.

Intermittent Fasting:

Intermittent fasting is a weight reduction strategy where you don’t eat or fast for 16 hours of the day and eat for the rest 5 hours.

It is the most manageable weight reduction strategy because you don’t have to be extremely careful about how much you eat or what you eat. However, it is a good practice to eat healthy meals which contain low amounts of oil and carbs.

Medium to light exercise can be a blessing in this phase. Working out will keep your body strong and accelerate the weight reduction process.

Intermittent fasting is highly manageable. Out of the sixteen hours you have to fast, you can put eight hours of sleep in which the body will automatically do its digestion process. Eating in this way allows insulin levels in your blood to remain at a low level, which is a state that promotes the release of body fat.


Exercise is a part of speeding up fat misfortune; however, the excess will invigorate your hunger. To work on your outcomes without growing your appetite, pick an activity you appreciate and begin gradually.

With work out, everybody has an alternate beginning stage. If you’re not prone to work out, you might need to begin strolling and embed 30-second eruptions of sprinting to up your force.

If you practice consistently, you can easily amp up your obstacles and challenges to make it more effective. That means going up from 5 mins a day to maybe 60 minutes by the end of the month!

The Right Attitude: 

With a reasonable eating regimen and exercise plan set up, the other thing you want to add is the attitude.

Remember that your inspiration to arrive at your objective will be crucial. To remain on track, structure an image to help yourself remember why you are attempting to get thinner.

A Reasonable Rate of Weight Loss

Weight reduction can’t be designated to a particular area of the body. Your muscle to fat ratio shrivels over your whole body, with hereditary qualities assuming a critical part in figuring out which regions change the most.

The American Council on Exercise prescribes something like 1 to 2 pounds of weight reduction happen each week. A 10-pound weight reduction should require five to 10 weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is losing 10 pounds in a month healthy without trying?

It’s not normal to lose around 10 pounds without trying. In that case, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Can depression cause you to lose weight?

Yes, depression can often make us lose appetite, and that would lead to unintentional weight loss.

Does 10 pounds make a difference?

Yes, it would improve your health in many ways.


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