I am thrilled to share with you all that John and I are expecting a new addition to our family on or around December 25th!! That’s right, we just might have a Christmas baby =). We couldn’t be happier!
You may have guessed that I was pregnant what with some of my recent posts, such as the craving for chicken salad + fear of raw egg yolks, my new-found love of cold cereal + short-lived aversion to bananas (couldn’t stand ‘em from about weeks 6-12), my inability to partake in raw oyster eating, and the general slowing down of posts (nope, not just due to our move). My appetite basically disappeared for a couple of weeks, and after that only a handful of foods appealed to me for a while… not exactly the optimal scenario for a food blogger! So, thank you for continuing to check in despite less frequent posts. I’m happy to report that my appetite is just about back to normal, (I’m exactly 14 weeks), so you can expect my regular schedule of posting to resume =).
I probably won’t write too much about my pregnancy on the blog, as I’m sure the majority of you stop by to read about recipes and not babies ;). That being said, I’m sure I’ll drop notes here and there, specifically on Monday Musings posts. If you’re curious about the back story and/or symptoms I’ve experienced etc. (as I am whenever I read the news that a blogger is pregnant – which seems to happen quite frequently these days!), don’t hesitate to send me an email; I’d be happy to share any information you’re interested in.