Home Recipes Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

by Smartdudemuscle

I was first introduced to cranberry ice cream on Cape Cod… ya know, the nation’s capitol for cranberry bogs.

Well, maybe not officially – but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of this country’s fresh cranberries hail from our humble little state.

Anyway. Cranberry ice cream. Have you ever had it?! I really enjoyed the tiny cup I had out in Truro, and have been waiting for fresh cranberries to grace stores’ shelves so I could make a healthier frozen yogurt version.

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Though it may not be the best time for a frozen yogurt recipe, it most certainly is appropriate to post a cranberry recipe given the holiday season.

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Cranberries. Greek yogurt. Sugar. Salt.

That’s all it takes to make this fuchsia-hued dessert.

Plus a little patience – always patience when it comes to homemade frozen yogurt! BUT I can tell you that the end result is well worth the wait. Every time I make a frozen dessert I prepare myself for the demise of my 5+ year old ice cream machine, and every time it mercifully proves me wrong. Keep on truckin’ little guy =).

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Sweet, slightly tart, creamy, and luscious, this cranberry fro yo tastes much more decadent than it actually is.

Plus, you can’t beat that color. In a world overrun by artificial food coloring, it’s important to remember that food with gorgeous colors do actually exist in nature.

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

As is true with most homemade frozen yogurts, this one is best if served either straight from the ice cream machine or after a brief (1-2 hours) sojourn in the freezer. Any longer and the frozen yogurt will freeze almost rock-hard, (yes, I’ve tried the vodka trick… it makes just a tiny bit of difference), rendering it a bit tough to scoop. However, if you do end up with leftovers – as I did – simply remove the container from the freezer about half an hour before you intend to serve the frozen yogurt. I’m not a huge fan of the microwave thaw method, but it will do in a pinch if you absolutely must have cranberry frozen yogurt rightthissecond (I wouldn’t blame you if this is the case).

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Cranberry Frozen Yogurt

Printer-Friendly Recipe

yield: 4 servings

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