The gym is full of exercise equipment options. Some are designed to improve muscle tone or strength. Others get the heart going, which also helps with weight loss. But one thing they all have in common is that they boost fitness and, therefore, health. And one piece of equipment that does this well is the vibration plate.
The Vibration Plate: What It Is and How It Works
A vibration plate is sometimes referred to as a vibration platform or whole body vibration machine. As its name suggests, it is a platform that vibrates when you stand on it. This vibration forces your muscle fiber to contract in order to keep your balance.
Does this mean you can just stand on the vibration plate and expect positive results? Not exactly. You still have to exercise when using a vibration platform machine.
It’s like the difference between doing biceps curls without weight or doing the same exercise with dumbbells or resistance bands. You have greater muscle contraction when using resistance. In vibration training, the vibration increases resistance as you work to stay balanced amidst the motion. If you stand on the vibration plate without movement, you don’t get the full benefit of this equipment.
A vibrating platform can be used for both a solo and group workout. Different machines have different vibration speeds. The more the platform vibrates, the harder your muscle tissue must work to stay upright.
What Are the Benefits of Using Vibration Plates?
If you’re new to the idea of using a body vibration machine, you might wonder how it helps promote fitness and health. Some of the top vibration machine benefits, according to science, include:
Better muscle recovery. Several studies support whole body vibration for improving blood flow. Good blood circulation assists with muscle recovery after a tough workout. It does this by enabling more oxygen and nutrients to reach the damaged tissue. Not to mention, proper blood circulation is critical for optimal health.
Increased muscle strength. Research also suggests that using a vibration plate is effective for building muscle strength. One 2020 meta-analysis notes this effect for seniors specifically. Improved strength makes it easier to complete everyday activities. It’s also helpful for athlete clients who rely on strength in their sport of choice.
Reduced bone loss. Bone density is important to reducing the risk of fractures and breaks. Strength training is one way to reduce bone loss. Using a vibration machine is another. It works by increasing bone formation and decreasing bone absorption according to research. Together, this creates a stronger skeletal system.
Better balance. As we age, our risk of developing balance issues increases. These issues are often a result of reduced flexibility and muscle strength. Research indicates that whole body vibration can improve postural control in seniors. It also indicates that it is as effective as conventional exercise for improving lower body strength in this demographic.
Greater flexibility. One study published in the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation reports moderate evidence for using vibration training to improve hamstring flexibility. Another study supports vibration for both greater flexibility and improved range of motion. Better flexibility means lower injury risk. It also helps enhance performance.
Decreased muscle soreness. It’s not uncommon to develop muscle soreness after exercise. That said, there are things you can do to help reduce the level of discomfort. Using a vibration plate is one option. The authors of one piece of published research explain that it does this in a few ways. One is its effects on the pressure pain threshold. It also helps lower creatine kinase levels, thereby reducing the pain.
Faster weight loss. Whole body vibration increases metabolism. This improves the body’s ability to burn more body fat. A review of 18 studies reports noticeable effects after using a vibration machine for six weeks or more. These effects included a “significant” reduction in both weight and fat mass.
Boosted immunity. Exercise, in general, is known for boosting immunity. Research has also associated this benefit with whole body vibration specifically. Better immunity means fewer colds and illnesses. It also helps protect against disease.
Lower blood pressure. Many people battle with high blood pressure. This increases their risk of heart attack, stroke, and more. Studies have shown that whole body vibration lowers blood pressure, especially in overweight and obese individuals. It also improves arterial function.
Who Might Benefit Most from Body Vibration
Based on the science, most people would benefit from vibration training. Studies have included subjects who are both younger and older. They’ve also included people in different weight ranges. That makes the use of a vibration plate machine an option for almost everyone.
But who might enjoy these vibration plate benefits most? Someone with a well-rounded fitness routine. The Mayo Clinic suggests that the vibration plate is best when paired with traditional exercise. This includes both cardio and strength training exercises. It can also be more beneficial when combined with a reduced-calorie eating plan.
Who Should Avoid Body Vibration Training
Despite its many benefits, not everyone should use a vibration machine. Anyone with a pre-existing injury or health condition should check with their doctor before engaging in a vibration plate workout. This helps ensure that it is safe given their health and situation.
This form of exercise should also be avoided by women who are pregnant. Studies have found that exposure to whole body vibration during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. If the baby is born too early, it could lead to major developmental issues. In some cases, it can even result in infant death.
Full Body Vibration Plate Exercises
If you’ve decided that using a vibrating plate offers enough benefits to give it a try—and it is safe for you—the next step is to decide which exercises to do. In a group fitness class, the exercises will be chosen for you. Otherwise, here are some options to consider:
Squat. This vibration plate exercise makes the quads work extra hard. Increase the intensity by holding while in the squat position. Keep your back straight and abs engaged to ensure proper form.
Lunge. Another lower body exercise enhanced by vibration is the lunge. Place the front foot on the platform and lower into the lunge. Just as with the squat, you can increase the intensity by holding in the lowered position.
Heel lift. This exercise works your calves. Stand on the vibration plate with your feet shoulder width apart. Raise your heels and hold. You should feel a burning in your calf muscle.
Leg crunch. This vibration exercise involves sitting on the body vibration platform, leaning back slightly, then lifting your legs until your calves are parallel to the floor. Either hold this position or bring your knees closer to your chest as you would in a reverse crunch.
Plank. Instead of placing your forearms or hands on the floor, place them on the machine. Hold the vibrating plank while keeping your abs strong and back straight.
Front raise. Stand on the vibration plate as you do front raises. You can use either hand weights or resistance bands for this exercise.
Biceps curl. This exercise also uses a vibration plate and resistance bands or weights. Performing biceps curls while on a vibrating platform forces your muscles to work a little harder. Do squats at the same time for a full body exercise.
Triceps dip. You can also work the back of the arms with a vibration machine. Instead of using a weight bench or step, you use the vibration plate. Lower your upper body down until your elbows are at 90 degrees, then lift back up.
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