Home THE ART AND SCIENCE Primal Health Coach Director Erin Power Interviews Founder Mark Sisson

Primal Health Coach Director Erin Power Interviews Founder Mark Sisson

by Smartdudemuscle

Primal Health Coach Institute Founder Mark Sisson talks with Coaching Director Erin Power about the evolution of his journey from high-performance athlete to health coach to founding the Primal Health Coach Institute.

Mark’s own words perfectly detail what the Primal Health Coach Institute has to offer:

“Over the years my evolution into what has become the Primal Health Coach Institute and the Primal Health Coach certification has evolved to incorporate the greatest hits of all that I learned, and put them into a template that I think any coach could understand and use in their own coaching practice. And then, on top of that, because I’ve had some experience as an entrepreneur, I added some business building components into the program.”

Through this informative and insightful interview, Mark and Erin answer frequently asked questions about both the business and the science of health coaching, touching on such topics as how your personality and interests are key to developing your business, how to pivot into health coaching carrying your existing expertise with you, and the future of the coaching industry.

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing individual clips from this interview session that zoom in on various aspects of health coaching to help guide and inspire you on your own health coaching journey.

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